Sunday, February 10, 2008

Marlborough Wine Festival

Leaving Marlborough Wine Festival

Where we slept after the wine festival

French Pass

Elaine Bay near French Pass

On the way to Elaine Bay

Cloudy Bay

City of Wellington

On the ferry crossing to the South Island

Queen Charlotte Sound - S. Island


John48195's Blog Spot said...

Just a short note to let you know that people are officially living vicariously through you. You aren't missing a thing with the weather, and the pictures of NZ are definitely a treat and in stark contrast to the dull gray that seems to have settled in up here. You need to post more often, but try not to appear to be having too great a time.

chriskane said...

hi guys,
i really wanted to get to nelson, but didn't make it. i've heard it's sweet. what a trip!!!!!! say hello to the sheep for me. i think they miss me.

Anonymous said...

Still looks awesome! R U guys missing us yet? I miss u! U guys still love being with each other every single minute? Have u had alone time yet? Well, big news on my end...yep - broke my damn hand - in a cast for 6 weeks! Total sucks, but the upside is... the cast is RED! And, not for Valentine's Day, which everyone assumed, but for Ohio State, Duh! The worst part about it was, I broke it on a Thursday night at gym practice, and three days from that I had planned on going with my Kent State Club Gymnastics Team (yeah like intermural) to Purdue to compete myself for the first time in 10 years. I was so pumped for it, but it didn't happen. :( I cried more for missing my meet than from the pain. But, the pain was rediculous.. they could not cast it for 4 days due to the swelling, so it was just hanging out there, unprotected, with an ace wrap! Anyways, work sucks b/c I can't freaking type! ok, well I miss u lots. When r u coming home again? I can't wait to see you! Love you guys, Alicia

Bob and Jess said...

G'day John,
I do not miss the late feb. weather in Detroit that's for sure. Please say hello to all the friends in the East Wing for me. BTW, you're right, Speights is good stuff, I've tipped a few in your honor.

Bob and Jess said...

Chris Kane,
What's up buddy. Yeah Nelson was pretty good. One night we slept in a parking lot and got woke up by a carful of punks driving around shaking campers. I flew out of bed thinking it was an earthquake.
These sheep sure are something. Tough to catch, but worth it.
See you in June.

Anonymous said...

What were you doing that you broke it? That's awesome that you were going to compete. Amazingly enough, we r getting along, even with spending every second together. I got some pretty bad blisters on our last hike, so Bob did a day hike without me, a nice little break from each other.
We get back to the US May 19, and will be in CA visiting our new niece for a few days, then come back to Cbus. I'm sure it will be here before I know it, but we r very excited to come home and see everyone. I think we should plan a girls weekend or maybe just a short camping trip, but Vegas is probably out for us this year. Keep up your posts, we love hearing whats going on!
Love ya, Jess