Sunday, February 24, 2008

West Coast

More west coast camping pics. Nothing like a room with a view.

Cape Foulwind

Stopped at this beach on the way down the west coast. We hiked to a fur seal colony which was pretty neat to watch.

Nelson Lakes National Park

Glacier lakes, gotta love 'em.

Rawhiti Caves and Grove Scenic Reserve

Another crazy place. We went way down in the cave, not many good pics from inside. Gotta love my tarzan pic.

Farewell Spit and Wharariki Beach

These were taken at the northern tip of the South Island.
This was one of the most incredible places that we have seen.
The winds were gusting like crazy and the skies changed by the second.

Abel Tasman National Park

After the town of Nelson we drove up to Abel Tasman and spent a few days hiking around.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Marlborough Wine Festival

Leaving Marlborough Wine Festival

Where we slept after the wine festival

French Pass

Elaine Bay near French Pass

On the way to Elaine Bay

Cloudy Bay

City of Wellington

On the ferry crossing to the South Island

Queen Charlotte Sound - S. Island

Friday, February 1, 2008


Hey everyone. We made it over to the South, the ferry ride was calm and we even got to see some dolphins. We are now in the Marlborough sounds region in a town called Nelson and spent this morning in the town market stocking up on fruits and veggies. We also caught a few songs from an impressive bagpiper group roaming the town. We have been to the Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds which are amazing. The landscape is quite different from the north island. We're going to drive along another Sound and then see about hiking in Abel Tasman National Park.

BTW, we changed the blog settings so now you don't have to register to post.
Of course, more pics to come.